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Rev. 13:1-10 THE BEAST FROM THE SEA Intro: Chapter 6-11 reveal the events of the tribulation, chapters 12-19 unveil the personalities involved in the tribulation period. We are going to met two beasts in this chapter. One is the Beast from the Sea. He is a world dictator. The son of perdition, the Antichrist. The second, the Beast from the Earth, we will meet next week. He is a world acclaimed and accepted religious leader. He is the false prophet. Tonight, I want to spend some time looking at these 10 verses. They paint for us a portrait of the Antichrist and his activity in the tribulation period. Let’s learn more about the Beast from the Sea. I. v.1-2 THE DESCRIPTION OF THE BEAST (Ill. The attractiveness of and the readiness for the Antichrist.) A. v.1 His Appearing 1. Sand - The people’s of the earth. (Ill. Sea = Restlessness) Psa. 2:1 2. Heads - Intelligence. (Ill. Man uses only 10% of brain!) 3. Horns - Authority and power. (Ill. Power Given to him - Ill. v.5, 7) 4. Crowns - Confederated rulling power. (Ill. The kingdoms of the earth - Dan. 2:31-45) (Ill. Revival of Roman Empire - It really never failed! Ill. All the attempts to revive it - Charlemange, Napoleon, Mussilini, Hitler. Ill. Humpty Dumpty.) (Ill. Daniel 7:1ff) 5. Blasphemy - Expend all power and inteligence blaspheming God. B. v.2 His Appearance 1. Leopard - Swiftness and unchanging (Jer. 13:23) 2. Bear - Ill. The walk and ferocity of the bear. 3. Lion - Fearless and fierce C. v.2 His Authority - He receives his position and his power from Satan. (Ill. Like father like son! - John 8:44) (Ill. 12:3 - The resemblance is striking!) II. v.3-4 THE DECEPTION OF THE BEAST A. v.3 An Object Of Wonder - (Ill. Wound healed) The world rejected the resurrection of Jesus. It will believe the resurrection of Satan! (Ill. Rev. 17:8) B. v.4 An Object Of Worship - They refused to worship the real Christ, but they will devote all to the false one. (Ill. Heaven is still rejoicing over Satan’s defeat, 12:10, but the earth dwellers are worshipping Him.) III. v.5-10 THE DESTRUCTION OF THE BEAST (Ill. His purposes are on display for all to see.) A. v.5-6 To Defy The God Of Heaven - Satan can not touch God, His Sanctuary, or the Redeemed in Glory! He is reduced to screaming and name calling! Pitiful! B. v.7a To Destroy The Saints Of God - Satan cannot harm the glorified saints, but he can destroy those who are not specially sealed on the earth. He will use all the tortures of the ages to attempt his extermination of God’s people! C. v.7b To Dominate All The Nations Of The Earth - He will not be satisfied until every nation is under his thumb. (Ill. Alexander the Great! He cried when there were no more kingdoms to conquer. Antichrist will not cry, he will carry out!) D. v.8-10 To Delude The Masses - The peoples of the world who are not saved, will bow the knee before the Antichrist and worship him. (Ill. 2 Thes 2:1-12) 1. They will worship 2. The saved will never bow to him. 3. His day will come - Gal. 6:7; Rev. 20:10 4. This is the patience of the saints! We are on the side of the victorious! God has won, Satan is defeated. Let there be rejoicing in the hearts of the Lord’s people! Conc: Sad days are coming! Arn’t you glad that we have the Lord’s promise? We are leaving and going to be in Heaven with Him when all this comes down. Our duty now is be ready and be telling. Bring someone’s name to Jesus tonight and stand in the gap for the salvation of their soul. |
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