Intro: A certain evangelist's wife died, and when he had to be away in
meetings, he hired a babysitter to take care of his two sons. Whenever he had been away,
he would always bring them a gift when he arrived back home. One day, however, he came
home and had forgotten to buy the boys a gift. When they asked for their presents, the
father d\told them that he would take them to the store and that they could have whatever
they wanted. When they arrived, the first thing they saw was the candy counter. They
decided they wanted to buy candy. Their father said, "Let's look around a little more
first." Then, they went to the toy department and saw some cowboy suits, complete
with guns, hats, ropes, etc. They both yelled, "This is what we want!" Their
father replied, "Let's just look around a little first." Next, they went into
the sporting goods and found basketballs. They began to dribble these about the place and
told their father that they wanted to buy the balls. The father said, "let's look
around just a little bit more." So they continue to shop and as they did, they
spotted 2 brand new 10 speed bicycles against the back wall. Their father saw what they
were looking at and said, "How would you like to have those bikes?" Those 2 boys
left that store with far more than they bargained for because their father refused to let
them settle for less that his best. You see, he had intended to buy the bikes all along!
Those 2 boys thought candy would be wonderful, but their father had something far more
wonderful in mind.
So it is with the Lord, He has plans for us that we can only begin to
imagine. We see things and formulate plans that we think would be wonderful, but God has
something far more special for us than we could ever imagine. A look at the life of Joseph
illustrates this truth. Joseph's life demonstrates four facts that you will find true as
you travel the path God has cleared for you. If you can remember these truths, then no
matter how dark the clouds, how depressing the circumstances or how diligent the critics,
you will always be aware of the fact that God has something special for you.
A. Joseph was different - If you read the story
of his life, it is plain to see that Joseph stood out from his brothers in his commitment,
his character and in his clothing and as a result, his brothers hated him!
B. Being different is socially unacceptable -
The secret to popularity is conformity. The world tells us that to get along, you must go
along. This is the siren cry of the world. Everyone wants to fit in, everyone wants to be
C. Being different is OK - While the world calls
us to conform, the Bible gives us a far different message. The Bible warns us against
conformity, Rom. 12:1. This literally means, "Do not let the world press you into its
D. Be different because you are different - The
main reason why you should be different is because you are! God made you an individual,
(Ill. DNA), and you do not have to conform to the crowd. (Ill. There are those who are
like whatever crowd they get around. They worship with the saints and they grovel with the
sinners. This ought not be so! Think of Daniel, at the age of 17, he took a stand that was
the equivalent to social suicide. He chose to be different. As a result, God was able to
bless his life and get great glory from Daniel.)
E. All I am saying is that you do not have to fit into anyone's mold to
be accepted. The only person you have to please is the Lord God! If you are living your
life in a manner that pleases Him, then you are living the right kind of life. Never sell
out to this world or to people who want to make you like them! Make up your mind that you
settle for nothing less than the approval of God upon your life. After all, He made you,
He loves you, He died for you, and if you are saved, He saved you. You are going to His
Heaven to live with Him for eternity. Realize and recognize that you are an individual and
that you are unique among all the people who have ever, or will ever live. God made you
special and your duty is to live for Him.
I. There Is A Special Person Inside You
A. This verse tells us that Joseph dreamed a dream. In this dream, the
Lord revealed the future to Joseph. In this dream, God showed Joseph that one day all the
resources (sheaves) and all the ruler (stars) of the world would bow down at the feet of
B. God had a special plan for the life of Joseph, and He has a special
plan for your life as well. Sadly, many people lack the faith or the vision to find out
what God's plan for them is. There is something that God wants you to do! He has something
for you to do that no one else can do. He wants to work in you, through you and around you
in a very unique ans special manner. He has something only you can do and it will not be
done unless you do it!
C. You might as well know up-front that there will be those around who
will try to stifle your dreams. You might as well know that there will be those who will
hate you because you have a dream. Notice how Joseph's brothers reacted to Him, v. 19.
There will always be those who lack the faith and the vision and will tell you that your
dreams are either inconceivable, impractical, or impossible. (Ill. Alexanders Graham
Bell's father-in-law called the telephone "a toy no one will play with." The
famous British physicist, Lord Calvin, said, "Radio has no future." British
Royal astronomer George Bidell Airy, said, "The computer is absolutely
worthless." In 1899 Charles H. Duell, Director of the United States Patten Office,
made this statement: "Everything that can be invented has been invented." He was
so convinced of this that he tried to get President McKinley to abolish his job next year.
Well, the very next year R. A. Fessenden sent the human voice over radio waves for the
first time. In 1901 the first Mercedes automobile was constructed. In 1903 the Wright
Brothers successfully flew a powered airplane. In 1904 the photoelectric cell was
developed. All of this only five years after Mr. Duell said nothing was left to be
invented. But, regardless of what the critics say, never let anyone kill your dreams, Pro.
D. It was the truth that God had a plan for Joseph that sustained him
during the times when he was a slave in Egypt and when he was in prison. May I say that to
live life with the knowledge that God had no plan for our lives would be hell on earth!
Always remember that you are a special person created for a special purpose!
E. Often, during the storms and battles of life, our dreams seem to be
all we have left!
I. There Is A Special Person Inside You
II. There Is A Special Plan For You
A. The life of Joseph is one of great problems and trials. In v. 18, his
brothers conspired against him. In v. 21, he was thrown into a pit. In v. 28, he was sold
as a slave. In ch. 39, he is falsely accused of rape. In ch. 40 he is thrown into prison.
Joseph was forsaken by his family, forgotten by his friends and frustrated by his
failures. Please remember that all these things that happened to Joseph were just part of
God's plan for his life.
B. This is a hard pill to swallow, but it is still true: Life is unfair!
If the Lord of glory came to this earth and was crucified, then what makes us think that
life will treat us fairly? Why did these things happen to a young man who was guilty of
nothing more than obeying the will of God? The answer is found in Genesis 50:20. You see,
Joseph is the Old Testament illustration to one of the New Testaments greatest promises,
Rom. 8:28.
C. Through all the problems that Joseph faced, the Lord is teaching his
the difference between growing old and growing up! We need to remember that God is always
doing for great things in our lives. Remembering these will help us when the storm clouds
of life begin to gather about us.
1. God is always Guiding you - Psa. 37:23
2. God is always Guarding you - Psa. 121:5-8
3. God is always Gaging you - He is constantly
measuring our growth. God is far more concerned about how we react to what we face than
what we face. - Psa. 105:17-19
4. God is always Growing you - God isn't as concerned
about delivering us out of our mess as He is about us growing out of the mess we are in.
He is in the saint building business.
D. Remember, whatever you may face in this world, however deep and dark
the valleys you are called to walk through, however heavy the loads you are called upon to
bear, God is merely allowing these things in your life to strengthen and to help you
become more like Him. The question is: How are you responding to problems that come your
I. There Is A Special Person Inside You
II. There Is A Special Plan For You
III. There Are Special Problems For You
A. Repeatedly, the Bible tells us that God was ever with Joseph - 39:2;
39:3; 39:21; 39:23; Acts 7:9. In everything Joseph faced he had a Helper and a Companion!
B. Three times in chapter 39 we are told that the Lord was with Joseph.
It will be helpful for us to see just how the Lord was with him.
1. 39:1-3 He Was With Him In Servitude - Even though he
was a slave, Joseph conducted himself like the ruler God was preparing him to be. Instead
of griping, complaining, whining, bellyaching, and fussing about his situation, he just
served Potiphar and did the best job he could do. What a lesson! If ever expect to rule,
then we must first learn to serve! You will never be over until you first learn to be
under! Joseph was learning about humility.
2. 39:7-19 He Was With Him In Seduction - Potiphar's
wife tried everything in her power to seduce Joseph, but he stood strong in the Lord and
fended off her advances. God was teaching Joseph that no price could be placed on a clean
conscience. He lost his coat, but he kept his conscience. God was teaching Joseph a lesson
in purity and in self-control. Both are essential to those in leadership positions.
3. 39:21-23 He Was With Him In Suffering - Even when
Joseph was forced to endure the shame of a false imprisonment, God was with him and
blessed him.
C. Well, you know the rest of the story. God turned tragedy, temptation,
torment and trouble into a great triumph. God brought all Joseph's dreams to pass teaching
Joseph and us this lesson, 1 Pet. 5:6-7.
D. Joseph never quit on the Lord. He never stopped believing, he never
stopped trusting, he never stopped dreaming until the Lord brought to pass everything in
his life that God wanted to do. Through it all, Joseph never wavered, he never compromised
and he never flinched at what the Lord allowed in his life. As a result, he won the
victory and so can you - 1 Cor. 15:58.
Conc: I heard about a fellow who came into town to a Little League
Baseball game. He looked at the scoreboard and it said, "21 to 0." A little boy
was sitting on the bench while his team was in the field. The other team was batting, and
the fellow said to the little boy on the bench, "Son, it looks pretty bad for your
team doesn't it?" The little boy said, "Ah, no sir, we haven't even come to bat
yet!" Well dear friend, sometimes it may look like the world and the flesh and the
devil is winning. But remember with God on your side, you will always win because He has
something special for you. So, keep dreaming, keep trusting, keep serving because God is
preparing a great victory for you to enjoy. He truly has something special for you!